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Please be advised that participants may not beg, borrow, steal or buy ammo once they start the race.  Several people have underestimated their ammo needs in previous races and were forced to DNF some stages, so be sure to bring enough.  Participants who run out of ammo will receive DNFs on the rest of the course.  Skilled shooters should double the round count and then carry a little extra, at a minimum. 



The COF below is preliminary and subject to change.  Please check back a few days before the race for updates.  


Saturday runners will start from the Community Center and head West on 4th Street, then make a Right on Chisholm Trail to head North.  (If you reach the railroad tracks, you just missed the turn.)  Stay on Chisholm for about a mile or so, until you reach Stage 1.  There are no turns or driveways -- just stay on Chisholm and you will see a ladder right at the side of the road, over the fence to Stage 1. 


Sunday runners runners will start from the Community Center and head East on 4th Street, across the bridge over the Falls, then make a left on Jewell Patton Drive to head toward the cemetery.  At the cemetery, make a right through the gate to the right of the cemetery entrance (same gate as last time), then proceed to Stage 2.


For both Saturday and Sunday, in the creek between Stages 2 and 3, we will stick with the path under the rock formations on the near side of the creek bank (same as last few races), and NOT cross to the far side of the creek.  After the final shooting stage, all runners will take that concrete trail through the woods to return to the Finish Line (just like in past events).  This trail begins just before and to the left of the cemetery gate, so take a Right turn when you get to the road after the ladder over the barbed-wire fence, then a quick left to the trail.  Please refer to the maps at the bottom of this page for more info.  

Stage 1: Mozambique Mania - pistol

On the "fire" command, climb the chain-link fence and drop down to the other side.  Once there, draw your pistol and hit each target twice in the body and once in the head, through the hole in the nearest barricade.  Move to the next barricade and repeat the process on the same targets.  Then move to forward to the third shooting position and repeat the targets again, from a standing position.  From your standing position, make one hit on the long-range target to end the stage.  Many competitors burned a lot of pistol ammo on this one last time, so be sure to bring plenty.  19 Pistol.  Sunday Sprint will skip this stage.  

Stage 2: Flip it good! – pistol  *Sponsored by Bravo Concealment

When a tire comes along, you must flip it...  On the fire command, shooters must flip the tire over one time, then advance to the first firing position.  Draw your pistol and hit each of the visible single targets twice, and hit two to the body and one to the head on any Mozambique-style targets.  On any targets with hostage-style reactive paddles, shooters must move the paddles in both directions, hitting each one twice (thus returning it to its original position). Move to the next shooting box and repeat on the next set of targets, only this time the shooter must hold a weight in the left hand. Drop the weight, move to the third box and repeat, holding the next weight in the right hand.  19 Pistol.  Sunday Sprint: Same.

Stage 3: Carmageddon – rifle  *Sponsored by B.Y.O.T Auto Parts

Shooters will have to protect a satchel containing the secret hard drives of a high-level government official.  If these wedding plans and yoga routines fall into the wrong hands, the outcome would be catastrophic.  Therefore, shooters must maintain positive control of the satchel at all times -- no putting it down to shoot.  Also, we have imported several pristine vintage automobiles, which will be arranged in various locations on the stage.  Shooting positions will be in, on, around and through the cars.  Some targets will be inside a vehicle, and others will be behind vehicles.  Please try not to scratch the paint on any of these, as we are relying on their resale value to fund future Biathlons.  Each target requires 2 hits, and this stage will require some movement. 24 Rifle.  Sunday Sprint: 1 rifle hit per target. 12 Rifle.

Stage 4:  Tower – rifle  *Sponsored by Thunder Beast Arms

Competitors will make their way up and into the tower.  At the top, they will be given the "fire" command, at which time the clock starts.  Load your rifle and engage the targets, which will be at medium to long range. The distance to each target will vary (time to find out if you know how to use your ranging reticle).  There will be 5 targets, with 2 hits per target required.  10 Rifle.  Sunday Sprint: One hit per target.  5 Rifle. 

Major Obstacle:  THE WALL  

THE WALL is a non-shooting obstacle located between Stages 4 and 5.  Participants may choose whether to climb over or take the time penalty.  We encourage everybody to at least give it a try, as it is a serious gut-check and an opportunity to find out whether it would be possible to scale an 8' obstacle in a situation in which that is the only way to evade hostile forces.  This is a test of physical strength and is designed to allow participants to prove whether they can drag themselves and their equipment over the top without any ladders, tools or assistance. The rules are simple: Runners must have all of their equipment on.  (Anything thrown over the wall is considered a donation to ISIS.)  The 2x4 supports on either side of THE WALL may not be touched or used in any way.  Participants must start from the ground (no bringing anything to stand on) and use only their bodies to get over.  Just jump up, grab the top, do a pull-up and swing a leg over.  If we're feeling charitable, we may set up a rope that participants may use for a partial time penalty on the Sunday Sprint course. Time penalty for non-completion is 15 minutes.  Sunday Sprint: 7 minutes.

Stage 5: Timothy Murphy – rifle  

On the "fire" command, climb the tree and get into a comfortable position. Then, load your rifle and make 2 hits on each of the 2 medium to long-range targets. This will lead to victory in the Battle of Saratoga and secure French support for the Revolution! An RO will be on a ladder beside the tree and will observe as you unload and clear your rifle before climbing down.  4 Rifle.  Sunday Sprint: Same.

Major Obstacle:  Monkey Bars

This is a non-shooting obstacle located between Stages 5 and 6.  Participants may choose whether to complete the obstacle or take the time penalty.  The object is to walk up the balance beam, then start on the low end of the bars and climb to the higher end.  Once there, ring the cow bell to signal victory.  All equipment must stay on.  Participants MAY NOT walk or crawl on top of the monkey bars.  Due to a number of injuries and close-calls, participants may only use their hands to move across the monkey bars.  You must go hand over hand with your feet swinging free underneath you, so that if you fall you will land on your feet.  We can't have people taking the Nestea Plunge from 11' off the ground!  Time penalty for non-completion is 15 minutes.  Sunday Sprint: 7 minutes.

Stage 6: Road Rage 2.0 – pistol and rifle 

There's a riot and somebody just threw a brick through your windshield.  The way forward is blocked by armed assailants and it's time to fight your way to safety.  Participants will start the stage seated in the driver's seat with hands on the wheel at 10 and 2, just like they taught us in Driver's Ed.  On the "fire" command, draw your pistol and fire through the hole in your windshield in order to neutralize the two targets directly in front of you, with two body and one head shot each.  Exit the vehicle and leave your pistol on the dashboard or in the driver's seat with the muzzle pointing downrange.  Run to the rear of the vehicle and retrieve and load your rifle.  Using the car as cover and being careful to stay inside the marked shooting area, make two hits each on the various targets downrange.  The targets on the left side of the car must be shot from that side (you may not shoot over / across the roof).  The far targets in the middle of the field must be engaged from underneath the vehicle, with the rifle's muzzle underneath the rear bumper.  Instead of shooting from the right side of the vehicle, shooters will proceed to a secondary position a short distance away, from which they must fire from behind cover on the remaining two targets.  6 Pistol, 12 Rifle. Sunday Sprint may have fewer targets.

Stage 7: Re-Trenched

On the "fire" command, load your rifle, put it on Safe, and begin crawling through the elevated passageway, being careful to stay below the barbed wire overhead and keeping the muzzle oriented straight ahead or to the right (down-range).  Mobility may be somewhat compromised inside the passageway.  On the shooter's right, there will be holes through which participants must engage the targets, making one hit on each of two targets before putting the rifle on Safe and moving forward to the next hole. At the end of the passageway, there will be a roof-top. Climb up and put one hit on each of the previous two targets, plus one on the long-range target.  9 Rifle. Sunday Sprint: 1 target, 5 Rifle. 

New Obstacle: The Walk of Shame

Remember staggering across a college campus early in the morning, trying desperately to forget a big mistake you just made?  Well, for those who don't trust their pistol skills or are out of ammo, this will be even more painful and humiliating.  Immediately following Stage 7, participants will be put back on the run clock.  Though there is shooting on this stage, it will be treated as a mandatory running obstacle and everything will count on the run clock only.  There will be some heavy items that must be carried to one of two shooting positions - or a third position if you are out of ammo.  From either shooting position the shooter must move each paddle on a dueling tree once, for a total of 6 hits.  The first is close to the start line, but the shooting position will require longer shots.  The second position is farther away from the start but the dueling tree will be closer to you for easier shots.  The third position is even farther and does not require any shooting, but participants may be heckled along the way... The heavy objects must then be returned to Stage 7, at which point the shooter may head down the trail to the finish line.     

Bonus Stage: 2 MOA or not 2 MOA, that is the question...

Somewhere on the course, we plan to have a bonus stage.  It will involve some targets of approximately 2 MOA in size and a limited number of tries to hit them.  Successful hits earn tickets in the hat for the bonus prize.

* Note on Ranging Targets: Target stands will be set up with the cross-bars approximately 5'8" to 6' off the ground.  The far targets on Stages 4 and 5 are approximately 28" wide and 38" tall.

WTF Biathlon Map

Sunday Sprint Map

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